Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walaoe what bad luck i have!

today, on the 10/10/09, 4:30 pm, i was playing basketball alone at 29road. there are 3 ppl waiting at the bus stop, 2 ppl waiting for the bus at the bench. there are on the right hand side.while the left hand side, there is a motorbike with 2 ppl on it.

once the bus left, one of the man that looked like a early-60's old man that face looked like he is a drug addict, came down from the motorbike and walk towards my bag that i left it on one of the left hand side bench. i knew something wrong, but i pretend not to know but kept a distance from him while playing my basketball. then he suddenly looked at me. i was so scared at the moment but i stayed calm and to not make any sudden movement because they may be a possibility of him having a gun and will shoot me if i ran.

he picked up my bag and lift it up high. and he ask me using cantonese:"is this your bag?". i nodded while saying yes softly. then he said while walking towards his bike and holding my bag,"you better not follow me." i was stunned at the moment.

when he got on the bike i slowly walked infront to take a glimpse of the motorbike plate num, but i backed-off and didnt manage to see the number because he looked back at me and stopped the bike for a while. he was just a stone's throw away from me.

here comes the funny part.first thing, my bag is worthless and there is a cheapliack phone in it. no wallet no whatsoever. and he must have thought there was a bunch of things inside because it was heavy with my 1.5L bottle inside.i was like thinking, if he wan take it, take lor. rather than risking my life juz for a handphone tat doesnt cost more than RM200.

there is another funny part. once the motorbike turned to a corner. another motorbike that is a malay came and asked me:"did he took your bag" and i answered him yes. then he went off chasing them. after half an hour, he came back to the basketball court, saying that he lost track of them at Sentosa school. the funniest part and what makes a malay so idiotic is he asked me :"what is inside your bag, wallet or handphone? the handphone looks like a black slim handphone right?" i was like thinking, how the hell he knows what colour and what shape of the phone when i nvr even took it out from my bag be4? now most of you who read the story noes the outcome, there was not only 2 ppl in this so-called robbery.

haizz, 3rd phone lost but i bet i add up all this three phones wouldnt cost more than any of your phones xD

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