Friday, April 3, 2009

this is what we call Murphy law

my dad always say "LEAVE THE HOUSE EARLY TO THE AIRPORT!!!!" " if Murphy law happened then we will miss the flight!!!!"

i always trusted this word "murphy law" but havent realli kena it seriously be4

but on friday, 3 april, it was murphy law to the max!!
i stayed back at school becuz folo nigel, jason that group go eat KFC. we were talking about Menstruation while eating the reddish blood like jelly with ice cream that is the new dessert in KFC.
mostly, when i go out and eat, mostly got at least rm15 used, so i always hav an emergency money hidden in my wallet, and that is rm50.
i forgotten to get enough money from my dad so i had to use the emergency money. the meal plus a float costs me about rm10. it was 2:30 and i had tuition at 4:30, i ask nigel what time he was going bak and he say 7 o clock.... WTH gg.... anyways, i called my brother. then he said, today need go library =.=.. nvm nvm still got many options.. i call my dad, nothing picked up, my mum and my grandpa went to china...

opps almost out of options.. then i called my uncle who came bak to live in my mother's side punya house. he said he had no car. dilly dally dilly dally edi 3:30.. then i called my uncle again, he said he can fetch me if he borrowed my mum's car!! what a relieve, finally someone can fetch me. but then, he ask me where was i and i said taman desa. he had no idea at all where is taman desa! s**** lor. nvm nvmthen i say i will tell u how to go to taman desa tell u step by step.

he say ok but first giv me my school addres, he try find internet got map anot. then i quickly go ask wen tjin and he told me "jalan forgot jor =.=" and i told my uncle , then they laughed, it was a made up address!! omfg.... nvm i try to think, but it was too late... my battery died

it was already 4 15 and i need at least 15 mins to go bak home take my tuition bag and go to tuition.. plus noone can fetch me... i was like thinking.. the best option is taking a cab. lucky i brought extra money of not cant even pay cab. i reached bak home at 4:30 and managed to rush to tuition

late by 10 mins only phew*

murphy law do HAPPEN. so better be prepared for the worst day of your entire life!!!!

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